Friday, January 28, 2011

My decision

Hi everyone! Hope you have had a good week! This week I have realized that number one, it's hard to get started and number 2 I want to be a child photographer. I have tried to do marketing on the web and social networking sites but I'm not having any luck so far so I learn and I study. The time is being well used and I'm in not huge hurry. I'm trying to build a portfolio working hard to get referrals. So, the quiet time has bought me some time to think and get ideas, I have a few I'll share later. I took my kids valentines photos and had a blast the ideas just keep coming! So I'll share a couple with you and my photo of the week this week of Hannah's soothing repetition. Hope you all enjoy them!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Week 3 of project 52

Well if you have been reading you know, I'm doing project 52 with MCP actions (love them!) and I follow her blog she's pretty amazing! So this weeks theme was shades of gray. So many were going wow that's tough, I was excited! Why? I love landscapes b&w and gray. Ansel Adams inspires me! So even though I didn't do it in b&w, I still put emphasis on gray which can be beautiful too. Which brings me to this topic, can you make your camera see what you see or what it wants to see? Can you create a work of art by knowing which settings to use and changing them accordingly? Do you take into account the lighting, what you want to focus on and the end result? When you picture it in your mind, can you shoot it? Does it come out the way you want? Well, I still have a lot of learning to do cause sometimes mine don't but I do try! I control my camera not the other way around. I create my art, my camera is just my tool. I encourage everyone to try new things!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wanting to be the best I can be.

Well, when I started, I found myself touching up this, smoothing out that, changing colors here and there on my images. Why? Not because it was hiding something (I send those to the trash bin unless they are snapshots) but because I thought that's what people wanted. I was becoming a wannabe. I was putting aside my vision and molding myself into a "cookie cutter" of  what I thought other people wanted. So I had to step back and say why? Why am I doing this? All these colors (which don't get me wrong are very cool and have the effect of making an artistic statement) but is that really how you want to remember you kids 20 years from now when you look back at that photo or do you want to remember the color of their clothes, how blue their eyes were in the light, how pretty their hair was. I want to remember them in vivid color! So I set about learning how to take a good image and I barley even touch them up anymore. I do black and white too especially if it's a close up I feel like b&w is a glimpse into a person's soul and when used in the correct image makes a powerful statement but now it's overused. I offer these options, I let the image "speak" to me  but in the camera first. I want to be the best I can be! I want people to look at my work and  say wow! What a shot! Not wow what editing. I want to sell without selling out. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Would you still do it?

First before I get into today's topic, this is my personal blog. Should the need arise for a business and a formal one I shall create one. I will be posting contests here from now on though until I set up a more formal page or a website. The question is would you still do it? If things didn't go the way you wanted, if you didn't make a dollar, would you still have the passion? Would you still want to learn? Would you still pull your camera out and try new things, or would it collect dust until the next family event? So many are just in it for the money, I like to think I'm in it for the art. I want to learn, plan on signing up for more classes, and I read everything I can get my hands on. I have put just about all my spare time into learning, why? Because I love it! Because I'm not in it just for money. I want to provide timeless works of art for my potential clients, give them a little part of myself and my vision. Help them to see themselves the way I see them. I feel like my answer is yes, I would. Will I be on of the lucky ones to get to do what I have a passion for for a living? We'll see but even if I'm not, you will still see me with a book, in a class or with a camera in my hand. It takes passion and drive. I'm also posting my project 52 image for the week on this post. Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Project 52

My creativity had been in a little rut, over-thinking can cause this so I decided to join in on project 52. One photo a week for a year, I plan on also putting them in an album when I'm finished. Also using this as a great way to prefect my skills and learn new things. Some will be just everyday stuff some artsy but the idea is to help me stay creative and think of nothing but photographing something for fun just once a week. I'm inviting any phototogs, hobbyist or pros to join me and post here on my blog if you wish. Remember, the idea is to shoot for fun, many of us forget that's why we do it in the first place! My first photo week one! If you miss a week that's ok just pick up where you left off. This is strictly for fun!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Prints, products and pricing OH MY!!!

While trying to control the millions of ideas in my head (after all, I am an artist) for template designs and photo effects, I'm trying to work on my pricing. This is not as easy as it sounds. My best friend says I stress it too much but if you want to stay for the long haul, this is very important. After all, we still wanna make money right? Products, packages, head is swimming! I wanna get it right. I don't wanna be just another person whose prices seemed like a good idea at the time and fails. Reading about pricing and the industry is confusing, I feel like yelling HELP!!!!!! at the top of my lungs sometimes! I want business, I don't want my prices to scare people away, but equipment, supplies, gas these things cost money and they add up. Software,lenses,lighting is very expensive! I wanna do this right, have a good reputation so....for now the list continues! Boy being an artist is a lot of hard work!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Paper or plastic?

Well, most of us were sick over Christmas, but we still had some fun! Santa came and the little ones had fun with their new treasures.  As the new year approaches,  I find myself thinking more about perfecting my art, and starting my business. Which brings me to the question....paper or plastic? CD or prints?  I'm leaning more toward prints. Not because I feel like I'm giving away the farm with "plastic" but as a client myself, I kinda like the experience of coming in and viewing my photos choosing my prints and products and putting my cherished memories in the hands of a professional print service.  Speaking from behind the camera, my monitor is calibrated to ensure proper colors and skin tones when printed and each of my photos I consider a work of art.  I struggled with discs cause people keep asking for them but really....if you place these works of art in an instant printer kisok there is no guarantee it will come out with perfect color.  It is a painstaking process to ensure beautiful prints in the post processing, so I've decided to give it the justice it deserves.  No more plastic. If my business doesn't "take off" because of the decision I've made then I will just keep trying, take the time to prefect my craft and hang in there. On a fun note, I do have some photos of the Christmas snow for you to enjoy! I will be posting and making changes soon! Have a wonderful new year and may it bring success and happiness!!!!!!!